This is an information page on various church and local activities
Little Larder
The church operates a Little Larder, which provides non-perishable food and toiletries to those in need. The items are held in small cupboards located in the South Porch of the church and they are available on an anonymous, self-help basis at any time of the day and night. Please take what you need and replenish the items when and/or if you can. Ride and Stride for Churches took place on Saturday, 14 September 2024. Thank you for your sponsorship of £621.25!
Our Eco-Church Summer Sewing Project has been completed!
Our summer Eco-Church Sewing Project has been completed! The beautiful altar cloth was used for the first time at our Family Harvest Festival service. A super Wild Colerne Nature Day was held on Sunday 23 June 2024
... with activities in the Market Square, Churchyard and Church. |
Giving, Charity and Mission Work
For information on giving to the church and on charity and mission work, please see our Giving, Charity and Mission Work page here ![]() Open House
Everyone is invited to come for a cup of tea or coffee and a chance to chat and make friends every Thursday in church. Open House is not a fundraiser and no charge will be made for the refreshments. Thursdays 10.15am (following 09.45am Holy Communion). You are most welcome to come to Open House even if you have not been to the service. ![]() Women's Evening Bible Study
There are two evening groups - a Wednesday Group and a Thursday Group - which both meet on the 2nd and 4th weeks of months during school term times. Contact Karen for more information by clicking here Ladies' Daytime Bible Study Tuesdays 1.45-3.30 pm Held at various venues. Contact Margaret Edmonds on 01225 742837 for more information. Alpha
Explore Life / Faith / Meaning Alpha offers the opportunity to explore and discuss the Christian faith in a relaxed and friendly environment. Should you wish to find out more about Alpha generally, please visit Alpha UK. The website also enables you to find an available Alpha near you. Alpha in our area follows the Alpha UK programme and is registered with Alpha UK. The Alpha sessions are offered once a year. Should you wish to know more about Alpha in the area, please contact the Alpha Team here. Covid measures in church
We are mindful that Covid and other respiratory diseases are still circulating and seek to take a responsible position in offering protection to those who are vulnerable. We therefore ask you to consider:

New bellringers always welcome! Fun, a bit of exercise and team work, sometimes followed by refreshment. Contact Jacqui Bradburn, 8 Fosseway Close 01225 743041 for information.
Wednesdays 7.30-9.00pm
New bellringers always welcome! Fun, a bit of exercise and team work, sometimes followed by refreshment. Contact Jacqui Bradburn, 8 Fosseway Close 01225 743041 for information.
Wednesdays 7.30-9.00pm

Church floodlighting
Anyone wishing to arrange for the Church Floodlighting to be turned on, perhaps in memory of a loved one, should contact Derek and Julie Burgess on 01225 743999.
Anyone wishing to arrange for the Church Floodlighting to be turned on, perhaps in memory of a loved one, should contact Derek and Julie Burgess on 01225 743999.